Nazwa przedmiotu:
Koordynator przedmiotu:
dr Bartłomiej Skowron
Status przedmiotu:
Poziom kształcenia:
Studia II stopnia
Grupa przedmiotów:
Kod przedmiotu:
Semestr nominalny:
1 / rok ak. 2018/2019
Liczba punktów ECTS:
Liczba godzin pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się:
Liczba punktów ECTS na zajęciach wymagających bezpośredniego udziału nauczycieli akademickich:
Język prowadzenia zajęć:
Liczba punktów ECTS, którą student uzyskuje w ramach zajęć o charakterze praktycznym:
Formy zajęć i ich wymiar w semestrze:
  • Wykład30h
  • Ćwiczenia0h
  • Laboratorium0h
  • Projekt0h
  • Lekcje komputerowe0h
Wymagania wstępne:
Limit liczby studentów:
Cel przedmiotu:
A participant who has successfully completed this course should: 1) Be able to understand the complex normative systems of bioethics, health law and international human rights as they impact on the development of health policy, locally, nationally and internationally. 2) Be able to apply the complex normative systems of bioethics, health law and international human rights as they apply to a variety of contemporary issues in this area locally, nationally and internationally 3) Be able to understand the impact on the complex normative systems of bioethics, health law and international human rights of international trade agreements and the lobbying principles of corporate globalisation 4) Be able to write and speak effectively at an academic or high policy level in the areas of regulation of cost-effectiveness evaluation of medicines and access to health services 5) Be able to effectively resolve disputes arising in this area in private or public legal practise.
Treści kształcenia:
Virtue Ethics, Moral relativism and moral nihilism, Utilitarianism, Human dignity and human rights, Value Theory, Abortion, Deciding between patients, Medical Decisions at the End of Life, Clonning, Death, Brain Death, and Persistent Vegetative State, Assisted reproduction, parental testing and sex selection, The moral status of animals.
Metody oceny:
Activity during the classroom (participation in discussion, presentation of bioethical views, formulation of arguments for and against ethical opinions). Due to the discussion format of this course, regular attendance and active participation are required.
A companion to bioethics, Helga Kuhse, Peter Singer (ed.), Blackwell Publishing, 2009. Copp, David (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Ethical Theory, An Anthology, ed. Russ Shafer-Landau, Chichester, West Sussex; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. Judith Javis Thomson, Killing, letting die and trolley problem, in: The Monist, 59, 1976. Philip Blosser, Max Scheler: A Sketch of His Moral Philosophy, in PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO MORAL PHILOSOPHY. A Handbook, ed. JOHN J. DRUMMOND and LESTER EMBREE. Roberto Andorno, Human dignity and human rights as a common ground for a global bioethics, „Journal of Medicina and Philosophy”, 2009. Lewin K., Principles of topological psychology, New York, NY, US: McGraw-Hill.
Witryna www przedmiotu:
The teacher makes literature available to students in electronic form.

Efekty uczenia się